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What makes Hunger For Success Different from other programs?
- We use an evidence based approach that has been tested and proven for over 25 years.
- We implement professional development training to ensure long lasting employment.
- We follow our participants through their entire development journey; from high school to college, through their professional career and beyond for free.
Read what professional development experts say about the strategies we use in our curriculum:
Marcus Buckingham writes in the Harvard Business Review, “We grow the most new synapses in those areas of our brain where we have the most pre-existing synapses. Our strengths, therefore, are our true areas of opportunity for growth.”
Gallup has found that managers who focus on their employees’ strengths can practically eliminate active disengagement and double the average of U.S. workers who are engaged nationwide.
The Harvard Business Review states that research has shown that motivation, job performance, and morale increase when employees have the opportunity to contribute their concerns and ideas.
Albert Hirschman author of Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, states that when it comes to listening, as the market changes and new options emerge … so too must your listening tactics and your approach to building … loyalty. The book The Trusted Advisor offers an enhanced model for listening that not only increases understand but builds trust in a five step process.
Tom Carroll, with RR Donnelley & Sons urges leaders to consider how employees could be motivated and influenced differently.” To effectively recognize and engage employees, leaders should understand their employees’ generational make-up and the ways they view work in the world and how they want to be recognized.”
Source: The State of the American Workplace: Employee Engagement Insights for U.S. Business Leaders by Gallup © 2013, pg. 9
Source: The Trusted Advisor by David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, and Robert M. Galford ©2000.
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